Annual Dastarbandi for Huffaz ul Quran, at Masjid Utman, Khatain
Views: 35504Published on: 05-Oct-2013
KUWAIT: Annual dastarbandi / Completion for Huffaz ul Qurain held in Mosque Uthman on 4th October 2013. H.E. Syed Abrar Hussain was the chief guest. The ceremony was started after the prayer of Ish’a. Qari Saeed ur Rehman welcomed community’s representatives from Religious, Cultural, Educational, Doctors, Engineers, teachers societies/Associations who were present on the occasion
The first part of the program started with speeches from Kuwaiti and Pakistani community, In the second part prizes distributed among the students for their annual performance.
Reported : Tariq Iqbal
Edited by: Atif Siddiqui
Photography by: Shazad Khan
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