PIK Classifieds
Classified advertising is a form of advertising which is particularly common in newspapers, online. PIK Classified is providing free service for community to Post, search free Classifieds Ads. Create you Account or login with social account and Post your ad right away in any Category listed. Note: your Ad will be valid for one month, you may post as many times you want. third party ads or URLs are not allowed.
House Hold Items (176)

House Hold Items (176)
Furnishings, sofa, tables, Kitchen & Laundry Appliances, Outdoor Furniture, etc.
Transportation (39)

Transportation (39)
If you are looking for the transportation or you wish to carry passengers. Place your ad here
Academic (180)

Academic (180)
If you are looking for the teacher or wants to offer teaching classes. Place your ad here..
Mobile Phones (65)

Mobile Phones (65)
If you are looking for the used mobile or new mobile or wants to sell. Place your ad here.
Accessories (16)

Accessories (16)
Find or Sell your computers accessories from memory to CD-Rom, hard disk, Ram, Mother board etc.